Health Screening Tests Explained
Health screening is an important part of preventive health care. In this article, we explain the uses of various health.
ToggleHealth screening is a medical test or examination that helps detect potential health issues or risk factors in individuals who are deemed healthy or do not have any symptoms. It is aimed to identify any health issues at an early stage when treatment is most effective.
When you go for a typical health screening in Singapore, you may find three types of services included in most packages – (i) physical examinations such as vision and hearing tests, and EKG / ECG tests for the heart. Endoscopic procedures such as gastroscopy and colonoscopy may also be included in higher-priced health screening packages. ; (ii) laboratory tests such as tumour marker screenings, blood sugar tests, cholesterol tests, and urine and stool analysis; and (iii) radiology & imaging tests such as ultrasounds, CT scan, MRIs, or PET scans.
Health screening, particularly regular health screening, is important in anyone’s healthcare routine. It empowers you with knowledge about your health and enables you to make informed decisions about it. Knowing an underlying health condition will also help you adopt a healthy lifestyle and engage in preventive measures while it is still early. All in all, health screening contributes to better health, reduced healthcare cost, and promotes overall well-being.
It is also important to note that even if you see your GP regularly, you should still go for an annual health screening. GP visits are generally focused on treating existing health conditions or addressing any immediate concerns that you may have. On the other hand, annual health screenings are designed to identify potential health problems before they become serious. This means that you can take steps to prevent or manage these issues before they impact your overall health.
According to the Guidelines For Health Screening by the Ministry of Health, below are the recommended screenings for men and women at average risk for particular chronic diseases. It is to note that a healthcare provider may personalise the timing of each test to best cater to an individual’s needs.
A cancer screening is a test (or tests) done to identify in an asymptomatic patient the presence of a particular type of cancer, or to identify the presence of health conditions that raise the risk of a particular cancer. This is important, as early detection of cancer usually makes it easier to treat it successfully.
There are various methods used for gastric and colorectal cancer screening. For gastric cancer screening, gastroscopy is the gold standard for detection. There are also tumour markers such as Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) and CA 19-9. GASTROClear™ by MiRXES is another method to test for stomach cancer. It is a biomarker blood test that is convenient, minimally invasive, and has high accuracy.
Colorectal cancer screening methods include Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT), tumour marker (CEA) and colonoscopy, the gold standard for colorectal cancer screening.
Mammography is today, the most reliable way of breast cancer screening in Singapore.
Medical experts recommend lung cancer screening with low-dose computed tomography (LDCT).
Eye Screenings are conducted to assess the overall health of a person’s eyes and to detect any potential eye conditions or diseases, particularly in their early stages when they may not yet cause noticeable symptoms. It can help help identify issues that, if left untreated, could lead to vision impairment or blindness.
Heart screening, also known as cardiovascular screening or cardiac screening, detects heart disease or cardiovascular issues in their early stages, even before symptoms appear. Early detection and intervention can help reduce the risk of heart attacks, stroke, and other cardiovascular events.
Health screening is an important part of preventive health care. In this article, we explain the uses of various health.
Dr Chua Boon Suan is the Senior Resident Physician at AsiaMedic Wellness Assessment Centre in Singapore. For many years of her career, she saw patients at the Health Screening and Wellness Centres at various hospitals and helps patients manage their chronic illnesses. If you are interested in doing a health screening at AsiaMedic, Dr Chua may be the doctor for you.
Get to know Dr Chua Boon Suan, Health Screening Specialist and the Senior Resident Physician at AsiaMedic Wellness Assessment Centre.
Explore further health screening options in Singapore and overseas at this page:
Browse and book from an array of health screening packages from Health365 partners in Singapore and Malaysia.
If you have any questions about health screening packages and bookings, contact us by clicking the button below.
If your health screening results come back as normal, it generally means that no significant health issues or abnormalities were detected at the time of the screening. Continue to follow the recommended schedule for regular health screenings based on your age, gender, and individual risk factors. You should also maintain a healthy lifestyle and monitor for any symptoms.
If your health screening results are abnormal, indicating the presence of a potential health issue or abnormality, it’s important to consult your healthcare provider immediately. Swift action and effective management of your condition can lead to improved outcomes and help prevent or delay the onset of severe complications.
Chua Boon Suan 医生是新加坡 AsiaMedic 健康评估中心的高级住院医师。在多年职业生涯中,她在多家医院的健康检查和健康中心为患者提供服务,并帮助患者管理慢性疾病。
在马来西亚,大肠癌是主要的致命疾病之一。与任何形式的癌症一样,意识和早期检测对有效治疗和改善预后至关重要。以下是您需要了解的关于马来西亚大肠癌的五个关键点: 1. 高发病率和主要癌症死亡原因 根据马来西亚卫生部最新的国家癌症登记报告,从2017年至2021年,大肠癌是男性和女性中第二常见的癌症。在此期间,男性新诊断的病例有14,722例,女性有11,332例。大肠癌占男性所有癌症死亡的13.5%,女性为11.1%,使其成为第二大癌症死亡原因。 2. 年轻成人中大肠癌发病率上升 虽然大肠癌传统上与老年患者有关(政府建议平均风险的人从50岁开始进行结肠镜筛查),但最近的趋势表明,全球年轻成人中大肠癌的发病率令人担忧地增加。 3. 风险因素 多种因素会导致大肠癌的发生: 4. 筛查的重要性 强烈建议进行大肠癌筛查,特别是50岁及以上的个体。由于早发癌症的趋势增加,尤其是有一个或多个风险因素的人,应考虑在较年轻时进行筛查。通过结肠镜检查(被广泛认为是大肠癌筛查的“金标准”)、粪便隐血测试(FOBT)和粪便免疫化学测试(FIT)等筛查,早期检测癌前息肉或早期癌症可以显著改善治疗效果,因为早期阶段的癌症是最易治疗的。 筛查特别重要,因为大肠癌在早期阶段通常没有症状。 5. 健康生活方式的重要性 虽然某些大肠癌的风险因素,如年龄和家族史无法改变,但养成健康的生活方式可以帮助降低风险并改善整体健康。这包括保持均衡饮食,富含水果、蔬菜和全谷物,限制红肉和加工肉类的摄入,保持身体活动,维持健康体重,避免吸烟和适度饮酒。
胃癌和大肠镜检查 了解胃癌的多种筛查方法,包括胃镜检查、GASTROClear胃癌血液标志物检测及肿瘤标志物检测,以及大肠癌的筛查方法,例如大肠镜检查。 什么是胃癌筛查? 胃癌筛查是一种旨在早期发现胃癌或高风险人群中的胃癌的医疗程序,以便在症状出现前进行检测。在新加坡,胃癌是第七和第九常见的癌症类型,常见于年长男性。胃癌筛查的主要目的是尽早识别胃黏膜中的任何异常变化或癌变,当疾病可能更易治疗时。 胃癌筛查的方法包括GASTROClear血液生物标志物检测、癌胚抗原(CEA)和CA 19-9等肿瘤标志物血液测试以及胃镜检查。胃镜检查是胃癌检测的黄金标准,可检测和诊断食管、胃和小肠上部的异常情况。 [付费信息] 由MiRXES 提供的GASTROClear™胃癌血液检测 由新加坡生物科技公司MiRXES, 提供的GASTROClear™胃癌血液检测。GASTROClear™是一项血液生物标志物检测,能够方便快捷地筛查人们患胃癌的风险。这是一种侵入性较低且耗时较短的检测,通过血液中12种与胃癌相关的微RNA(遗传物质)的水平来测量。GASTROClear检测的结果将显示患者患胃癌的风险为低风险、中风险或高风险。 如果结果显示患者为低风险,他/她可以每年重复进行检测。然而,如果结果显示患者为中等风险,他/她可以每六个月重复一次检测,或直接去看胃肠病专家。如果检测结果显示为高风险,应咨询胃肠病专家进行胃镜检查。 谁应该进行GASTROClear检测? 根据Mirxes的说法,这项检测适用于40岁或以上的男性和女性。他们应该是“平均风险”患胃癌的人(即没有胃癌症状),但具有一个或多个风险因素。 哪里可以进行GASTROClear 在亚洲医疗健康评估中心(AsiaMedic Wellness Assessment Centre) 进行GASTROClear.